Whether you’ve worked the night shift before or this is your first time, preparing for night shift nursing can leave you feeling overwhelmed and maybe even a little anxious. 

Maybe you’re asking questions like:

A strategy is key, but preparing is only part of the strategy. Thinking about what you can do both during and after your night shift is another part of the puzzle to making you the best night shift nurse possible.

In this guide, we’ll share some ideas for how to prepare for night shift nursing, tips to help during and after your night shift, pros and cons, and more. 

Table of Contents

Nurses and the Night Shift

As a nurse, you probably have worked the night shift at some point in your career — or you likely will. 

If you have worked the night shift, you already know being a night shift nurse is no small task. Many mistakenly think night shift nurses aren’t as busy as day shift nurses. After all, there’s less chaos at night, no visitors in the rooms, and most patients are sleeping. But, night shift nurses provide the same patient care as those who work during the day, performing around-the-clock care.

Many nurses who work this schedule often prefer it because it fits their lifestyle better and comes with the potential for higher pay.

However, there are many challenges that come with working the night shift. Getting used to a new sleep schedule, reorganizing your lifestyle, and prioritizing your health are just a few of those challenges.

To thrive as a night shift nurse, think about what you can do to:

Managing Life as a Night Shift Nurse Before, During, and After Your Shift

Living life as a night shift nurse involves more than what you do during your actual work shift. Preparing ahead of time can mean that you are more equipped to take care of your patients and perform your duties with excellence. 

Taking steps to rest and recharge after your shift further prepares you to be ready for your next day of work, whether those days are back to back or if you have several days off in between.

Take a look below at our tips for night shift nurses, which include steps you can take before your night shift, activities you can implement during your shift, and ways you can make the most of your off time to rest and recharge.

how to survive night shift as a nurse

15 Tips for Night Shift Nurses: Preparing for Your Shift, Maximizing Energy During Your Shift, and Resting When Your Shift Comes to a Close

Getting acclimated to the night shift can be a difficult transition from working the day shift or even mid-shift.

The first step to providing the best care for your patients is to prepare before starting your new shift. Without proper preparation, you may find yourself being burned out and miserable your first few weeks.

If you’ve never worked the night shift, or it’s been a while since your last time, knowing how to prepare for night shift nursing is vital to properly care for your patients as well as yourself. 

But knowing what to do to prepare for night shift nursing can feel overwhelming, which is why we’re sharing our top tips for how to adjust to night shift nursing. 

And remember — after you’ve prepared well, take advantage of our tips to both keep you working at your highest level during your shift and enhance your rest and time off.

#1: Create a Sleep Schedule and Stick With It

Creating a routine is one of the best ways to prepare for night shift nursing. This involves sticking to a sleep schedule that works for your new shift. 

Sleep experts say that adults require at least seven to nine hours of sleep for optimal brain function each day. 

But it isn’t just about the amount of sleep you get; it’s about the quality of sleep which is why creating a sleep schedule and a “nightly” routine during the day is essential.

To ensure you’re getting enough sleep (and quality sleep), stick to your normal bedtime routine. Maybe you typically do these things before bed:

If so, continue to do those activities before you go to sleep in the morning. No matter what shift you’re working, help your brain wind down and understand that it is time to sleep by committing to your routine. 

Continue following your new sleep schedule whenever possible. If you’re working three twelve-hour shifts a week, try to maintain your sleep schedule even on the days you’re off. 

Sticking to your schedule plays a role in our next tip for preparing for night shift nursing, too. 

#2: Learn To Adjust to Your Circadian Rhythm 

Adjusting your circadian rhythm is essential to maintaining alertness, getting quality sleep, and sustaining a routine while working as a night shift nurse. 

Your circadian rhythm is an internal clock that is constantly running. It cycles between alertness and sleepiness. Adjusting your circadian rhythm involves:

#3: Utilize Light During Your Wake-up Times

For a good portion of the year, you’ll likely wake up for your night shift when it’s still light out. To help signal to your body that it’s time to wake up, open up the drapes and curtains, take a few minutes to stretch, and soak up some vitamin D. Light plays a significant role in our circadian rhythm and mood.

If it’s wintertime and you’re waking up while it’s dark, an alarm clock that features a wake-up light that gradually increases the light in your room before the alarm sounds can help make the transition easier on your body and mind. 

To begin your search for a night shift travel nurse assignment, create your free Pronto profile. Use Pronto to find available night shift assignment opportunities — all without the need for a recruiter. 

how to prepare for night shift nursing

#4: Plan Meals and Stock Up on Healthy Snacks

Prepare for night shift nursing by stocking up on healthy snacks and planning meals that fuel your body to help keep yourself awake and alert. 

Avoid foods high in sugar and carbohydrates, which cause your blood sugar to spike — due to a surge in insulin — and drop quickly. Instead of leaving you feeling fueled and energized, you may be left feeling tired, cranky, and hungry shortly after eating. 

To keep your energy levels high throughout the night, consider consuming several small meals instead of one large, heavy meal. 

Healthier foods to pack for your shift might include: 

Once your shift has ended, consume a reasonable-sized breakfast to avoid waking up hungry in the middle of your daytime sleep. 

how to adjust to night shift nurses

#5: Plan for Helping Your Partner or Housemates Adjust to Your New Schedule

Preparing for night shift nursing may involve more than just preparing yourself. 

If you live with roommates or family members, it is important that they understand the demands of working the night shift. 

Be transparent with them. Talk about what changes come with your night shift schedule, how you can support each other, and even ways to remain connected if you’re working opposite shifts. 

If you’ve considered taking your nursing career on the road, the Pronto job search can help you find the perfect place to call home for your next travel nurse assignment location. Plus, the team at Trusted Nursing Staff can help with any career-related issues that come up before, during, or after your assignment. 

Search jobs today on Pronto

how to prepare for night shift nursing

#6: Adjust Personal Appointments To Fit Within Your New Schedule 

Your new night shift schedule may feel a little overwhelming at first, especially as you begin adjusting your errands and appointments. 

To make it easier, pay attention to the amount of time you need to ensure you’re getting enough rest after work. 

Adjust your appointments to meet your needs. 

If scheduling an appointment later in the day disrupts the amount of sleep you need to function optimally, consider scheduling appointments first thing in the morning instead. 

Take a look at these suggestions to help manage fitting your activities around your night shift and sleeping schedule:

#7: Arrive Early and Get Organized

You’ve heard the saying, “Early is on time, and on time is late.” This is great advice for any nurse but especially for night shift nurses.

Arriving a little early — even just 10 minutes early — allows you to:

#8: Find Ways To Stay Alert

Night shift nursing generally has more downtime than daytime nursing. Patients are typically preparing for bed, if not already sleeping, by the time you arrive for your shift. 

Your patients will still need care throughout the night, though. No matter how quiet it may be, being ready to act is critical for you as a nurse. 

Help yourself stay alert by:

#9: Watch Your Caffeine Intake

Caffeine may help you stay alert and refreshed throughout your shift, but be careful not to drink too much. Overdoing caffeinated beverages — like tea, coffee, or soda — can make it more difficult to fall asleep after your shift. 

Consider avoiding caffeine three to four hours before you’re off the clock and staying within the recommended limit of 400 milligrams or less per day

#10: Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration plays a key role in staying alert and focused during the night shift. 

Did you know that even mild dehydration can have significant impacts on your cognitive abilities?

Recent studies have found that mild dehydration may influence: 

It can be easy to forget to hydrate and replenish your electrolytes when you aren’t running around as you would on the day shift.

To combat dehydration on the job, consider carrying a water bottle with the number of ounces you should drink on your shift clearly labeled. 

#11: Stay Safe

Adjusting to the night shift can be extremely challenging for some nurses, especially initially. If you are concerned that you are too tired to properly care for patients or get home safely afterward, talk with your management team. 

Never put your safety or the safety of others at risk because of being too tired. 

#12: Consider Carpooling or Other Driving Alternatives

After clocking out of a night shift, it’s likely the last thing you want to do is drive home. 

Alternatives to driving tired might be:

If you choose to drive, keep stimulated by turning up the radio, calling a family member or friend to keep you awake, or rolling down your window for some fresh air. 

prepare for night shift nursing

#13: Take Time To Unwind After a Shift

After a long night shift, you may come home exhausted and sleepy and be tempted to jump into your p.j.s and hit the hay right away. 

Or, when you arrive home, you may see that your neighbors are starting their day as you are ending yours. You might have the urge to handle some minor tasks, like answering texts, emails, or phone calls, right when you get home. 

Avoid both of those temptations by taking some time to unwind before going to bed. To relax and get ready for restful sleep, consider one of these calming activities:

#14: Prioritize Sleep After a Night Shift

After taking some time to unwind, make sleep your top priority. Do whatever is necessary to get your body and mind ready for sleep. Try these suggestions:

#15: Watch Your Health

Maintaining your health is essential no matter what shift you work, but as a night shift nurse, you are at higher risk for health problems — especially if you aren’t getting enough sleep. 

Blood pressure, hormone regulation, and immune responses are just a few of the body functions that can be affected by not getting enough sleep.

Although you may need to get creative, staying active and maintaining proper nutrition are vital to maintaining your health. Get to know your co-workers on the night shift to find a workout buddy for later in the afternoon. 

If you begin to notice any negative changes in your health, don’t be afraid to talk with your physician. 

If you’d like to work as a travel night shift nurse, Trusted Nurse Staffing will work with you every step of the way to make sure you are supported and well cared for. This includes wellness benefits, health insurance, and other perks to keep you healthy and ready for your night shift work.

how to prepare for night shift nursing

Pros and Cons of Nursing on the Night Shift

Deciding whether a night shift travel nurse contract is right for you can be a hard decision. We recommend before you sign a contract, you start by weighing the pros and cons. 

There are many pros and cons of nursing on the night shift, several of which depend on your personal preferences.

Here are some of the benefits of travel nursing on the night shift: 

There are some pitfalls to night shift nursing, like:

If you have dreams of traveling the country while still fulfilling your passion for your career, consider travel nursing. 

We offer flexible contracts in all 50 states. Use the Pronto job search to find great opportunities and take control of your work life.

Connect with Trusted Nurse Staffing via Pronto today.

Interested in Night Shift Nursing as a Travel Nurse? Trusted Nurse Staffing Can Help

If your sights are set on making the switch to the night shift, we understand. There are many potential benefits, and one of the reasons you may have become a travel nurse is to explore different places. As a night shift travel nurse, you’ll have the option to explore during daytime hours.

Ready to start your journey as a travel nurse? Trusted Nurse Staffing offers contracts for all shifts all across the United States.

Use the Pronto job search to find available nurse assignments, browse the currently available contracts, and contact our recruiters when you find a match! As a staffing agency that’s worked with nurses on all shifts, we’ve learned the pros and cons of the night shift, and we’re here to support you along your journey.

Pronto was designed to enable new and experienced travel nurses nationwide to take control of their careers, acquire the work-life balance they’ve been searching for, and find the road to their dream jobs.

Let us help you pursue your passions and hit the road with a career in night shift nursing as a travel nurse.