Dates Needed:
3/22/25 (7am) – 3/25/25 (7am)
3/28/25 (7am) – 3/31/25 (7am)
7/11/25 (7am) – 7/14/25 (7am)
7/25/25 (7am) – 7/28/25 (7am)
8/1/25 (7am) – 8/4/25 (7am)
8/8/25 (7am) – 8/10/25 (7am)
8 hours onsite requirement and 24 hours of call.
Must have an active MI license, no IMLC.
Minimum Board Certification – Needs board certification or eligible status.
Call Type – 10 hours in house, 14 hours on night call.. Arrival within 30 minutes of initial contact to ED or OB unit when required for emergency conditions, or if change is noted from standard course of labor as noted by nurse. Must be seen by attending at any time the condition warrants and within 12 hours by attending after admission to L&D
Call response time required? Respond to ED and L&D within 10 minutes
Average call # per 24 hours 8/day (55/wk)
What are the average number of deliveries per year? 450 for unit (which includes FM groups that do not require OB input of about 60/year) OB delivers 370-380 year
Is resident or teaching supervision required? Yes, we have FM residents and 3/4th year medical students.
ABLC, ACLS, ATLS, BLS, PALS are not required, but any/all are encouraged!
No other certifications required, but we do require completion of a Conscious sedation module if the candidate requests privileges of administration of conscious sedation. This is available at our facility for free.
Is Hospital Stroke Certified? Yes, primary stroke certified (not comprehensive stroke center)
Rounding Patients – Assigned, unassigned. (but FM residency generally takes the unassigned)
Patient Encounters Per Shift:4.3 patients/day
Nearest Airport:Sawyer International AirportRequest Type:Locum TenensBeds in Department:15Patient Per Shift:4.3 patients/day
Does your Facility require physicians to be board certified? Yes
Minimum Board Certification Eligible
Allow Bids from Providers with IMLC? No
Estimated Credentialing Timeframe (Days) Approximately 60 days, but variable depending on timely return of applications, etc.
Fellowship 1
The Following Certifications Are Required
Other No
What trauma level is this facility? 2
FacilityPEDsLevel? 3
Specialty Questions: Obstetrics and Gynecology
What are the average number of deliveries per year? No
Specialty Skills: Obstetrics and Gynecology
Low risk pregnancy : Preferred
High risk pregnancy : Preferred
FHR interpretation – NST/CST/FSE : Preferred
OB Ultrasounds – Performance of, interpretation : Preferred
Level I/Screening (viability) : Preferred
Level II/Targeted (anatomic) : Not Required
Amniocentesis : Not Required
Routine delivery : Preferred
Vaginal : Preferred
Low forceps : Not Required
Decision-making for c-section : Preferred
Complicated delivery : Preferred
C-section : Preferred
Breech : Preferred
Multiple births : Preferred
Abruptions : Preferred
VBAC's : Preferred
Repair of 3rd & 4th degree lacerations : Preferred
Office/minor gynecology – IUD, Cystoscopy, Colposcopy, cryosurgery, LEEP, etc. : Preferred
Surgical gynecology – : Preferred
Open : Preferred
Laparoscopic diagnostic/minor only – tubal ligation, LOA's, chronal tubation : Preferred
Operative/major (includes diagnostic) – ectopic pregnancy, ovary removal, cystectomy, extensive LOA's : Preferred
Laser certification : Preferred