In 5 years, where do you want your career to be? What about in 10 years? 

These questions can be overwhelming, and each person has a different answer, but what matters most to you is how you answer them. 

When you take the time to set goals and create a plan of action you can confidently answer these questions.   

Goals and a plan of action can make all the difference in a travel nurse’s life and career when there is something they wish to: 

 In this article, you will learn:

travel nurse goals

Table of Contents

Why Should Travel Nurses Set Goals?

The travel nursing lifestyle may seem easy and relaxed, but to get the most out of your assignments, you need to have a plan. 

You can steer your career in the right direction by setting goals beyond your next few travel nursing assignments. 

The purpose of goal setting is to allow the goals to: 

Creating the future you want will take some reflection and careful planning and consideration — but it can be done.

Let’s take a closer look at how to make the most of your travel nursing career. 

goals and travel nurses

Make the Most of Your Travel Nursing Career 

#1: Salary

The paycheck is one of the top reasons to try travel nursing — your bank account will thank you. 

Is there a reason why travel nurses earn more than regular nurses? The answer is “yes”. 

Travel nurses earn a higher salary than most other nurses because they:

If you’re a travel nurse willing to help wherever needed, your compensation is only limited by your willingness to work.

It’s important to note, as well as a paycheck; travel nurses also receive “perks,” such as: 

As long as the rest of the job suits your lifestyle and living arrangements, becoming a travel nurse makes financial sense.

Trusted Nurse Staffing is aware of the challenges of being a travel nurse, so we offer a competitive travel nurse salary and benefits package. 

Fill out your free online profile, and we’ll contact you within 24 hours to discuss your goals and availability.


#2: Travel Destinations & Experiences

It is not uncommon for nurses to choose travel nursing as a career to fulfill their wanderlust.

This career path offers the opportunity to see the world and learn about new cultures. Travel nursing is the perfect way to combine adventure with helping others — whether hiking in the Rocky Mountains or strolling through Chinatown in San Francisco. 

You can work almost anywhere as a travel nurse. Even though you should go where the work is, take a minute to plan where you would most like to live and work. Be sure to keep it visible and start checking off those places whenever you can.

Also, keep your recruiter informed of your traveling “wish list”. They can help find the perfect location for your travel assignments. 

#3: Flexible Schedule

Would you rather have more flexibility than the rigid structure of a traditional job? Would you like to be in charge of your schedule?

Depending on the assignments they choose, travel nurses can create customized schedules. 

The typical travel nurse assignment lasts three months, followed by a vacation or unwinding period before the next assignment begins. 

As a result of this flexible schedule, you can devote more time to your hobbies and still have time to visit with family and friends. 

Think about becoming a travel nurse if you dream of having more time for yourself.

#4: Skill Development

Learning from those around you and seeing how they succeed is vital in any job — travel nursing will allow you to develop new skills. 

A travel nursing assignment expands your network of people to learn from and invites new ways of thinking. Each new assignment brings you new experiences. 

You will be able to stretch your knowledge as you learn new skills. Maybe you’ll learn something you didn’t expect to learn? 

As a result, you will become a more well-rounded nurse.

#5: Land Prestigious Assignments

Don’t be afraid to look for assignments at the best institutions. The opportunity to work for some of the nation’s most prestigious hospitals initially attracts many travel nurses to life on the road.

Whether you want to work for a …

… travel nursing can help you achieve that goal.

Trusted Nurse Staffing can provide you with a rewarding travel assignment! 

Find out why Registered Nurses, Therapists, and Allied Health Professionals trust Trusted Nurse Staffing with their careers.

Get in touch with us today to learn how Trusted Nurse Staffing can help you find the prestigious travel nursing position you’ve dreamed of! 


#6: Save for Retirement

Travel nursing offers a wide range of benefits, but before signing a contract, make sure your package includes a retirement savings plan. 

While many people know the importance of saving for retirement, saving is easier said than done. But, despite having uses for that extra cash, investing it in a retirement fund will help you secure a comfortable retirement.

It is a good idea to sit down with your calculator to determine how to save a small amount each month and put it towards a retirement savings account — you will be surprised at how fast it grows.

#7: Expand Your Professional Network

The importance of networking for nurses cannot be overstated on a personal and professional level. 

You can connect with other nurses who face similar situations to your own and who understand what you’re going through daily, unlike those who don’t work in nursing.

Building a professional network to advance your career is essential, but it can also lead to lifelong friendships.

When you become a travel nurse, your network will substantially grow, possibly helping you accomplish your goals.

#8: Learn a New Specialty

There is a possibility that you selected a specialty during nursing school that you are no longer interested in. If this describes you, the opportunity to try something new with travel nursing may be perfect for you. 

In advance, it is essential to communicate your desire to try a new specialty with your recruiter. There may be a few steps to take before you are placed on a new assignment, depending on your current specialization; however, it is possible.

#9: Join a National Organization

A travel nurse organization can help you better understand the travel healthcare industry. If you are new to travel nursing, this will be especially helpful.

Being associated with national travel nursing organizations enhances your resume and helps you expand your network and stay current on news and developments.  

A national organization can be an excellent resource for advancing your career and expanding your knowledge. Moreover, they give nurses a stronger, more unified voice on important issues as a collective group.

goals for travel nurses

5 Tips for Setting and Reaching Your Travel Nurse Goals

#1: Know Your Why

The reason you want to work as a travel nurse needs to be clear to you.

Determine your “why” by considering your answers to these questions: 

To reach your goals, you must consider how travel nursing jobs have impacted your professional experience and your personal life, as well as what you might want to attain in the future.

Be honest with yourself — you must have a strong “why” to tackle this career path. 

#2: Perform a Personal Inventory and Be Realistic

Create a list of your: 

Once you’ve done this, contact your recruiter about travel nursing jobs that can help you: 

#3: Do Your Research

Find out what education and experience you need to achieve your long-term goals. 

Education plays a huge role in advancing one’s career — a nursing degree or specialty certificate provides you with more options and opportunities. 

Additionally, an educated nurse is a safer nurse. You will benefit professionally and personally from the dedication and energy you devote to your nursing education.

#4: Be Professional and Focus on Professional Development

Maintain a professional attitude and continue your professional development — a travel nurse’s career can be positively impacted by doing so.  

It is possible for travel nurses to manage their professional development despite work demands with wise planning.

In between assignments, you might consider: 

Through continued education, travel nurses can continuously advance their skills and profession. 

#5: Expand Your Horizons

Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself and try something new.

It won’t necessarily help you grow if you keep doing the same thing in the same environment year after year — look for nurse positions that are different from what you currently do. 

You can expand your resume with travel nursing assignments that will encourage your skills and development.

Trusted Nurse Staffing: Helping You Find Your Dream Job and Meet Your Travel Nurse Goals  

At Trusted Nurse Staffing, we can help you find your next travel nurse assignment and provide support every step of the way.

As a leading travel nurse staffing agency, we specialize in finding nurses the correct assignment by:

Upon finding an assignment that meets your needs, Trusted Nurse Staffing will provide you with all the necessary information. 

Additionally, we will ensure that everything goes smoothly during your assignment.

Let Trusted Nurse Staffing help you find the perfect travel assignment for you.
