Travel nursing is an amazing gig. 

But packing and unpacking only to drive your whole life around can wear you down — you might even miss having that sense of home.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could enjoy the perks of being a travel nurse but also feel at home no matter where you take an assignment?

If so, RV living might just be right for you.

RV living as a travel nurse can be a fantastic experience as long as you know what you are getting into and you are prepared for whatever happens.

Let’s examine the pros and cons to determine whether travel nurse RV living is right for you.

travel nurse rv tips

Table of Contents

5 Travel Nurse RV Living Pros

For some travel nurses, living in an RV is a smart move.

Many travel nurses are even able to bring their families along and explore the country together because of their RV.

There are some major benefits to taking home with you wherever you go.

#1: You Can Save Money

If you take the housing stipend as a travel nurse, living in RV parks might save you some money. Your stipend will likely be higher than your expenses, so even with the cost of gas, you may be able to save money for things like repairs or emergencies.

And since you have your kitchen with you, you can cook your meals to stay on budget.

Your RV will be packed with your most important belongings, and you have more room than just your trunk, so you don’t have to leave things behind.

You probably won’t need to stop at the local supercenter for whatever you forget because you already have it packed in the RV.

Spending less on living arrangements, meals, and other incidentals means you can make a living in an RV while travel nursing, which is an excellent money-saving move.

#2: You Don’t Have to Pack and Unpack

One of the downsides of travel nursing is the occasional feeling of living out of a suitcase. Not having to haul your belongings in and out of temporary residences makes RV living extremely appealing.

Who wants to pack and unpack over and over? That can get old. 

And you may want to take more of your belongings with you than will fit in your car.

Living in an RV completely changes that. You have your things in your own space.

#3: You Can Travel With Family and Pets With Ease

Whether you are a full-time RVer with a family or a solo traveler, having a pet along for the ride can offer companionship and make the road less lonely.

Having a pet can give you a sense of normalcy throughout your travel adventures. Especially if you have a family, bringing your pet along can be a big deal. 

A few benefits of RV life if you own a pet include:

You don’t have to choose between your pet and your dream job. Just load them up with you in the RV and hit the road.

#4: Oh the Places You Will Go (Comfortably)

Rolling on four wheels around the country is the best way to see new sights, experience new places, and make new memories. What better way to travel than with your house?

Instead of traveling across the country in a car, you have the ease and luxury of traveling without stopping at a hotel for the night or pulling over at a dirty gas station to go to the bathroom. 

Taking a journey as an RV travel nurse provides enhanced comfort and convenience compared to one who moves to each job assignment in a car or plane.

 #5: You Have More Freedom to Explore

Exploring new cities and having new experiences is one of the most common reasons people choose travel nursing.

The sense of freedom you have living in an RV encourages you to get out and drive on days off or change campgrounds during your stay to explore new areas.

You might even try boondocking to truly immerse yourself in nature.

Getting out and exploring adds to the adventure of travel nursing. You have the opportunity to see the country and experience new things.

Living in an RV can give you the chance to enjoy your temporary location. 

You can still enjoy a sense of community if you choose to stay in an RV park, but you also have the freedom to set out and explore the area.

Want to add a little more freedom to your life as a travel nurse living in an RV? With the help of Pronto and Trusted Nurse Staffing, you can access hundreds of travel nursing opportunities on the go. 

Say goodbye to paying extra for WIFI at the campsite to research opportunities on your laptop. Pronto is mobile, easy to use, and convenient. Just sign up, create your profile, and get scrolling.

travel nurse  living in rv

5 Travel Nurse RV Living Cons

Living full-time in an RV isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Nothing is perfect all the time.

It helps to understand the potential pitfalls before jumping into RV life. There are a few possible negative aspects of RV living that need to be considered:

It can be especially helpful to connect with other travel nurses who have lived in an RV to ask questions and hear their experiences.

Trusted Nurse Staffing can help answer your questions about living arrangements for your next assignment.

#1: You Can’t Live Like a Local

Unfortunately, you probably won’t find adequate RV parking close to work in many areas.

If you enjoy living like a local and embracing the vibe in each new city, RV living may dampen your spirits.

It’s hard to immerse yourself in a new city if you have to leave to drive back to the RV park at the end of your shift. Walking to restaurants or having drinks gets harder the further away you have to park.

You may have to choose between living like a local and having your home on wheels.

#2: Finding Bathrooms and Laundry Can Be a Hassle

Not every RV park or campsite provides bathrooms and laundry. If the RV park you are staying at doesn’t provide these facilities, you may have to go out and find them on your own.

If your RV or camper isn’t equipped with a shower, then you need to find somewhere to wash up, and it may be an added expense. If you are boondocking, you will also need a plan for offloading waste.

Doing your research is critical to successful RV living. 

Without solid planning, you may end up in a tight spot and spending more money than you wanted.

#3: You Inherit the Headaches of RV Ownership

If something goes wrong in your rental or the provided living quarters, you can just call someone to come fix it.

You don’t have that luxury when you own an RV.

And while you don’t have to go through the trouble of finding housing as a travel nurse, you do have to take on the responsibilities of RV ownership.

Buying an RV means you have to worry about:

Your RV is your home on wheels, so it shouldn’t be surprising that it could cause you to face many of the same headaches as owning a house.

#4: You May Need Transportation to Work

If you are living out of a full RV and not a camper, you can’t drive it to work — and most campgrounds aren’t going to be close to the city. 

You will likely still need a personal vehicle for everyday transportation. 

This means you also need to either budget for gas for two vehicles or find alternative transportation.

Some other options for daily transportation include:

Not every alternative will work in every situation.

Obviously, if you are in a more rural area, a car service could get expensive. And if there aren’t any co-workers nearby, rideshare isn’t feasible.

It may require some trial and error to find the right arrangement for you.

#5: You May Need To Find a Place To Park in a Pinch

Last-minute travel nursing assignments can be a blessing for your wallet and a nightmare if you have to scramble to find someplace to park your RV to score the ideal gig. 

Camping is trending, with reports showing that more than 15 million people have gone camping for the first time in their lives in the past two years. You know what else is up? RV ownership.  

More than half of Americans who love to camp report having an RV, which means more neighborly fun and competition for that last spot on the lot. And the last thing you want to have to do is camp out at a Walmart parking lot for more than one night,

Travel Nurse RV Tips to Consider

Having a heads-up before your trip begins can be a lifesaver.

These tips can get your RV adventure started on the right foot.

Rent an RV for the Weekend

Don’t buy the first RV you see. Make sure you enjoy it — you’ll be driving it long distances! 

Try renting an RV for a weekend road trip first. This is a great way to give it a trial run without the costly commitment.

Make sure to document your experience so you know what works, what doesn’t, and what solutions you need to find before setting out on a longer assignment.

Taking the RV out for a dry run also lets you get comfortable before making a trip that “counts.” 

Get all the kinks out before you buy an RV and head out for your first assignment.

Start with a Smaller, Used RV

You don’t have to go out and buy an expensive motorhome to begin your new RV life. A smaller RV can be a great starting point for travel nurse RV living.

Buying a used RV may seem intimidating, but some reputable dealers can sell used or on consignment. This option may save you some money.

And with a smaller investment, you can change your mind later without going broke. Smaller RVs are also easier to drive and shouldn’t cost you as much in gas.

Buying a smaller, used RV can be a smart way to get acquainted with RV living as a beginner.

Downsize Your Belongings and Organize Efficiently

Channel your inner Marie Kondo and get simple. Downsize your belongings, utilize vertical space, and bargain hunt for anything with shelves that hang and organize!

Life on the road doesn’t have to be bumpy if you organize, compartmentalize, and minimize. You can explore additional RV organization tips here.

Research the Area and Prepare Before Traveling

You’re probably going to research the area before applying for an assignment, so just add a few things to your research checklist to fit your RV lifestyle.

Things to check out before heading to a new area include:

These things can all change from city to city. Knowing ahead of time can make your journey a lot smoother.

There are apps you can download to help you live your best RV life, like:

Whether you are looking for the closest gas station or cool attractions to visit, there’s an app for that.

Learn From Your Mistakes and Enjoy the Adventure

Taking on a new adventure is a learning experience. It’s unlikely that it will go perfectly the first time.

Maybe you learn RVing isn’t for you, or maybe you learn how to be your own RV mechanic pretty quickly. 

Whatever may come, it’s about the adventure. And what is an adventure if you don’t try something new?

travel nurse rv

Travel Nurse RV Living FAQs

We know you are brimming with possibilities and questions. Here are some relevant travel nurse RV living FAQs to consider.

Can I Still Get Tax-Free Living Stipends for Travel Nursing While Living in an RV?

Travel nurses require more than one accommodation or dwelling expense while they journey to obtain tax-free reimbursements. 

First, you have your home. We’ll call that dwelling #1. You must adhere to the tax home regulations to ensure that the first dwelling is established as your legal tax residence. Then, you can have an RV that you will pay to park near your assignment, in addition to covering the rent or mortgage for your primary home, which would make your RV dwelling #2.

Dwelling #1: You are paying rent at a tax residence.

Dwelling #2: You are paying to lease a spot or campsite for your RV.

In that case, you won’t be able to write off your RV, but you will be eligible for tax-free stipends or reimbursements. 

Let’s go over two scenarios where you would not qualify for tax-free funds: 

  1. If your RV is your sole residence, you are not duplicating your accommodation expenses. 
  2. If you do have a tax residence but are not paying to lease a spot for the RV. In that case, the IRS considers the RV more like a vehicle. Therefore, you cannot park your RV in a friend’s driveway and receive tax-free allowances. You must lease a location to park it, thus creating duplicate accommodation expenses.

The tax-free funds you receive weekly are intended as reimbursement for having duplicate meal and accommodation costs. If you’re not duplicating your accommodation expenses in the manner the IRS requires for this benefit, you are ineligible to receive this money tax-free.

Can You Write Off an RV as a Travel Nurse?

If you are eligible for tax-free stipends, you cannot write off your RV. You can, however, receive reimbursements for the spots you rent at RV parks and campsites.

Will My Recruiter Help Me Find Campsites?

A great recruiter, like the ones at Trusted Nurse Staffing, should help you find campsites near your assignment or find assignments near a good campsite.

How Can I Connect With Other RV Travel Nurses?

There are tons of ways to connect with other RV travel nurses. You can search Facebook groups, Reddit forums, and other online communities full of ambitious, nomadic nurses all pursuing a life on the road helping others and making money. 

Your recruiter may also be able to connect you with other travel nurses who love living in an RV and working.

Trusted Nurse Staffing Helps With All Housing Needs

Some people are fine with staying in one place and working in the same environment every day. But other people, like you, long for adventure and rich experiences.

You can follow your passion for nursing and explore the country as a travel nurse. And Pronto is just the thing you need to help you find your next assignment. 

Whether you want to roam the countryside in your RV or are looking for help finding housing as a travel nurse, Trusted Nurse Staffing has the expertise and resources to offer you the support you need, and Pronto can help you find it all easily. 

You don’t have to hit the highway alone; let Trusted Nurse Staffing have your back. 

Sign up for Pronto and start scrolling for jobs today.

travel nurse  living in rv